Product Roadmap API

Create user-facing product roadmap API similar to Posthog's through Github issues and labels

  • framework


  • database


  • cloud


Product roadmap API modeled after the Posthog Roadmap page aims to inform users about a product’s future development by using GitHub issues and labels as medium of communication.

There will primarily be two kinds of users of the system:

  • Product managers manage the tickets through GitHub Issues.
  • The end-users explore the tickets through the API.

How it works?

GitHub will push events to your server using Webhooks. These events include actions such as adding issues, updating issues, and adding labels.

An issue is not considered a roadmap post unless explicitly assigned the roadmap label and can be linked to an area through the area label. An area label is a label that starts with Area: {label-name} which acts as a method to categorize/group the roadmap posts.


  • Once we assign an area label to an issue, it’ll be stored in the database as a roadmap post. If the label is detached, the post will stay uncategorized. Another option is to delete it, since it’ll be added later if the label is attached again.
  • On area label removal, unlink it from all posts without deleting them, making them uncategorized. Again, you can decide to delete them.
  • Github issue ID/number will be used as the primary key for the posts table.


  • Allow searching for posts based on various criteria.
  • Support multiple posts for each area.
  • Display the most-voted posts.
  • Display the latest posts.
  • Display uncategorized posts.
  • Display posts by area.
  • Paginate posts along with their associated votes.
  • Link posts to GitHub issues.
  • Remove the post when the associated GitHub issue is unlabeled or deleted.
  • Sync upvotes and downvotes of a post with the GitHub issue votes.
  • Unlink an issue from an area when the area label is removed.

Nice to have

  • A cron job that runs every day to look for missed issues and labels (labels should be inserted before issues)
  • Send a message to Discord when a new roadmap issue is created or updated.
  • Send a reminder message to Discord in the morning if a comment on a roadmap issue is unanswered.
  • Build an email list and let the user subscribe to specific posts or all of them. Send them an email when a change happens.


The HTTP endpoints are for read only; the write happens through GitHub only.

  • List posts -implicit pagination-
    • GET /roadmap/posts (normal order)
    • GET /roadmap/posts?sort=+createdAt (recently added)
    • GET /roadmap/posts?sort=+votes (most popular)
    • GET /roadmap/posts?areaId={areaId} (area posts)
    • GET /roadmap/posts?areaId=null (uncategorized)
  • List areas
    • GET /roadmap/areas

Database Schema

erDiagram %% Define the AREAS table AREAS { columnName type "constraints" id string "primary key" name short-text "unique, not null" } %% Define the POSTS table POSTS { columnName type "constraints" id string "primary key" title short-text vote integer description long-text issueUrl url areaId string "foreign key references AREAS(id)" } %% Define the relationship between AREAS and POSTS AREAS ||--o{ POSTS : "one area can have many posts, one post can belong to one area (optional)"