Raw SQL queries

We're building January, an all-in-one API development framework that enables you to build, integrate, test, and deploy APIs in one place.
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Building on the work we did with custom action, we've now added support for raw SQL queries in the database extension (PostgreSQL).

import { sql } from '@extensions/postgresql';
workflow('GetUserProfileWorkflow', {
  tag: 'users',
  trigger: trigger.http({
    method: 'post',
    path: '/',
  execute: async ({ trigger }) => {
    const records = await sql`
        SELECT * FROM users
        WHERE email = '${trigger.body.email}'
        JOIN profiles ON users.id = profiles.userId
    return records;

You don't have to worry about SQL injection attacks, as the query will be serialized using tag functions before being executed.

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1 min read