Introduction to January

January is the comprehensive platform for backend API development, enabling you to build, integrate, test, and deploy all in one place. It stands out by not locking you into its ecosystem, as it's portable by design.

At the heart of January is a powerful compiler that generates code for you. This compiler works based on a declarative syntax, which employs the concept of primitives that serve as instructions to the compiler, telling it what code to generate and how to generate it.

The use of primitives and declarative syntax also makes the development process more accessible to those who may not be API coding experts, while still providing the flexibility and power needed for complex API development.

In conclusion, here's what you can do with January:

  • Define your workflows, triggers, tables, fields, and policies in a declarative language.
  • Use extensions to interact with various services and tools.
  • Generate Node.js code that can be deployed to any cloud provider.
  • Debug your code with in-app Swagger and OpenAPI.
  • Leverage January dev-server to test and share your APIs before deploying.

You can use it to:

  • Build RESTful APIs.
  • Create workflows that receive events from message queues, webhooks that listen to events from other services, scheduled triggers, etc.
  • Interact with databases.
  • Deploy your code and much more.

Getting Help

We're eager to connect with you or assist you as you begin. Here are some ways to get in touch with us.

Reading Time
2 min read
Table of Contents
  1. Getting Help