
A workflow is a piece of code that is executed in response to a trigger which can be an http request, a message from a queue, a scheduler, github event, etc.

Speaking in terms of generated code, a workflow is the controller endpoint (http trigger) that is responsible for handling the request and executing the logic.

You can define a workflow by using the workflow function. A workflow is composed of the following elements:

  • tag is used to namespace group of workflows.
  • trigger is how you want your client to call this endpoint.
  • execute is the function that will be executed when the workflow is triggered.
import { saveEntity } from '@extensions/postgresql';
import { tables } from '@workspace/entities';

workflow('AddOrderWorkflow', {
  tag: 'orders',
  trigger: trigger.http({
    method: 'post',
    path: '/',
  execute: async ({ trigger }) => {
    await saveEntity(tables.orders, {

This workflow is triggered by an http post request to the root path /{featureName}/orders and using http method post. once triggered, it will insert a record in the orders table with the name from the request body.

For instance it can be executed by sending a post request to the /{featureName}/orders path with a body like this:

  "name": "order name"

What is a trigger?

A trigger is an event that starts a workflow. in case of http, you can use 'post', 'get', 'put', 'delete', 'patch' methods.

  method: 'post',
  path: '/',

You can also customise the path of the trigger to use rpc style for non standard methods with 'post' method. for example:

  method: 'post',
  path: '/:param',

There are other triggers like trigger.github, trigger.cron, ... etc.

What is the execute function?

The execute function is the function that is executed when the workflow is triggered. It takes a single argument, the trigger data that raised the workflow.

For example, you can update a record in a database, send an email, issuing a token, etc.

import { updateEntity } from '@extensions/postgresql';

const qb = createQueryBuilder(tables.orders, 'orders').where('id = :id', {
await updateEntity(qb, {

Each extension have its own set of functions, you can find set of exported function in its documention. for more information about workflow execution, you can check the Workflow Execution sections.

What is a tag?

A tag is a way to group workflows in the code and in API documentation (aka swagger).

  tag: 'orders',
  trigger: trigger.http({
    method: 'post',
    path: '/',

  tag: 'orders',
  trigger: trigger.http({
    method: 'put',
    path: '/:id',

  tag: 'orders',
  trigger: trigger.http({
    method: 'delete',
    path: '/:id',

This setup will group the workflows under the orders tag in the API hence you'll have the following endpoints:

  • POST /orders
  • PUT /orders/:id
  • DELETE /orders/:id